Y Is For Yelling and Other Noises (Shetland Sheepdog) ~ A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020

Did you know that Shetland Sheepdogs (aka the Sheltie) and all other canine breeds can hear a frequency range of 40 to 60,000 HZ while the human range is between 20 and 20,000 HZ? They can also hear four times farther away than we can. No wonder most canines are noise sensitive. Noise phobias can cause a lot of distress for both you and your dog. Often dogs will experience anxiety due to fireworks or thunder.

Due to their herding ancestry, Shelties are prone to being very sound sensitive and sound reactive. They tend to be more reactive to noses than some of the other dog breeds. A strange noise will put a Sheltie on high alert! They are also very sensitive to stress, and living in a disruptive home with yelling and tension can make this breed behave neurotically. It’s always a good idea to keep your Sheltie in a secure place when there is a lot of noise going on.

Message from a Sheltie mom – Misty Blue has severe noise anxiety. Some noises such as tin foil, a ringing phone or a sneeze will cause her to bark. Other noises like a motorcycle or turning on the dryer will cause her to spiral out of control. When her anxiety is triggered it leads to excessive and loud yelping and running extremely fast in circles. Sometimes she collides with furniture or walls.

Her vet seems to think that this behavior is probably due to the fact that Misty Blue was kept in a small cement crate until she was four months old. That is when I saw her and decided to take her home. I didn’t want to buy from a pet store, but I couldn’t leave her like that! The store owner told me that it was better for the pups to be in these crates because it cut down on the anxiety of seeing other pups. The vet believes that it led to isolation and a lack of exposure at a crucial time in her life.

Does your Sheltie (or other breed of dog) suffer from anxiety?

Click Here To Like Misty Blue – Shetland Sheepdog on Facebook

Shetland Sheepdog ~ A to Z Blogging Challenge 2020 Posts
A Is For Active
B Is For Barking
C Is For Characteristics
D Is For Dental Care
E Is For Ear Tipping
F Is For Famous Shetland Sheepdogs
G Is For Grooming
H Is For Health Conditions
I Is For Ivermectin
J Is For Jumping
K Is For Kisses
L Is For Lily of the Valley and Other Poisonous Flowers
M Is For MDR1
N Is For Nose Work
O Is For Origin
P Is For Phenol
Q Is For Quarantine
R Is For Rainbow Bridge
S Is For Shedding
T Is For Traits
U Is For Unconditional Love
V Is For Veterinarian
W Is For Working Ability
X Is For Xylitol
Y Is For Yelling and Other Noises
Z Is For Zoomies

*This blog post contains affiliate links.


  1. Very informative. And very sad that a pup had to live in such poor conditions. Glad you were able to rescue!

    I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

  2. Cheryl, my eight year old Papillon was a rescue dog. He was eighteen months old when we brought him home. He had so much anxiety! Keith (my man) thought he (Beau) would never let him pat him; Beau had a fear of males in particular, plus noises and almost everything else. It took about two years before Beau was able to relax.
    He not only allows Keith to pet him these days; he actually goes to him asking to be cuddled on his lap, which, of course, Keith does. We love him to bits.
    Our other dog (Pebble) only gets anxious when she doesn’t get a cuddle.. Hahaha.. She is so spoiled..
    Hopefully, Misty Blue’s anxiety will lessen as time goes by. Lots of cuddles and love do work wonders.

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