J Is For Jobs ~ All About Me From A to Z ~ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2024

Like a lot of people, my first job was babysitting when I was around 15. I did it full time in the summers.

I had some customer service/cashier jobs. Working at Woolworth’s pretty much tells you I’m not a young chicken…lol.

While working at Rix Pharmacy (another place I’m not sure is still around) I was robbed at gunpoint. I had a man point a 357 Magnum at me and the other cashier and ask for the money in the registers. I had two small children at home at the time and I remember closing my eyes and praying as he walked away with the money.

I worked in an optical warehouse doing customer service. I took orders over the phone and did many clerical skills. I remember working here when the FAX machine first came out.

I’ve also worked at McDonalds, CompUSA.

I have also been a daycare teacher. I ran a business out of my house while being a navy wife. The military is really tough on you, as they should be, and there were many rules and regulations I had to follow.

Also have been a daycare teacher in a few daycares.

Other Blogging From A-to-Z April Challenge Posts 2024

A Is For Angels

B Is For Birthday

C Is For Creature Of Habit

D Is For Dog

E Is For Education

F Is For Favorites

G Is For Gardening

H Is For Health

I Is For Insects

J Is For Jobs

K Is For Kids

L Is For Library

M Is For Music

N Is For Name

O Is For Organ & Tissue Donation

P Is For Places I’ve Lived

Q Is For Quotes

R Is For Rubber Gloves

S Is For Saving Money

T Is For Thrift Shopping

U Is For Uplifting Movies

V Is For Volunteer

W Is For Wishes

X Is For (E)X-Husbands

Y Is For Yoga

Z Is For Zodiac Sign

My Other Blogs Participating In The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2024

Misty Blue’s Reviews

*This blog post contains affiliate links.

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